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The Lampster Bluetooth Details (BLE)

Yellow super-hero figurine in A-pose with tractor lamp head as desk lamp, shining red/blue RGB light.

Only 6 years after my wife gifted me with a Lampster from Kickstarter as X-Mass present the device finally arrived.

I may post a review here, but today I just wanted to write down what I have found out about its BLE control.

I used the LightBlue iPad App to discover services and tried out a few settings.

Lampster has one service with the UUID B8EC7DF5-DB9A-B2Bf-F4A9-93DBA36C7BC2 This service has multiple properties, the following I reversed:
Manufacturer Name: "The Lampster, the licitatie"
Model Number: "LA-2017B"
Serial Number: "15-....-6555"
Hardware Revision: 100B
Firmware: 10
Software Revision: 0.1.0

First Characteristic(?) 01FF5553-

Property 1 (Mode?) 01FF5554-BA5E-F4EE-5CA1-EB1E5E4B1CE0
1 Byte: On/Off in White and/or RGB Mode
Bit 7 = on/off, Bit 6 = White, Bit 5 = RGB, Bit 4 = Off on Disconnect (0-3 always zero)
0xA0 = RGB, 0xC0 = White, 0xE0 = Both, 0x20 = Off, next RGB, 0x40 = Off, next White, 0x60 = off, next both

Property 2 (White Levels?) 01FF5556-BA5E-F4EE-5CA1-EB1E5E4B1CE0 (if mode = C0)
2 Byte 0xwwcc ww = 0x00-0x64 warm white (percentage), cc = 0x00 - 0x64 cold white (percentage)

Property 3 (RGB) 01FF5559-BA5E-F4EE-5CA1-EB1E5E4B1CE0 (if mode = A0)
3 Byte 0xrrggbb rr = 0x00 -0x64 red, gg = 0x00 - 0x64 green, bb = 0x00 - 0x64 blue (percentage)
There are 5 more properties, maybe they are related to timer and demo mode? Second Characteristic(?) 01FF5550- write only (indicate, without response) properties 01FF5551- and 01FF5552-. Both seems to disconnect and turn off the light (until reconnect).


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